2023 State Bar Convention [June 21, 2023 - June 23, 2023]
6/21/2023 - 6/23/2023
State Bar Convention and
2023 Annual Business Meeting
June 21, 22, 23, 2023
Continuing Legal Education Programs
- 6:30 AM - Early Bird
- 8:00 AM - Legal Potpourri Track 1
- 8:00 AM - Legal Potpourri Track 2
- 1:00 PM - Pozner on Cross - Materials sent to attendees only.
- Can't attend? You can still purchase the book at a discounted price of $295. This special price for State Bar members can only be received by contacting Larry Pozner, as both Amazon and Lexis will not provide the discount. Contact nicole.ogan@sdbar.net or call the bar office for Mr. Pozner's information and payment instructions.
Social Events
- 3:30 PM - Young Lawyers Section Speed Networking and YLS Business Meeting
- 5:00 PM - LegalPalooza, Social Hour brought to you by the Young Lawyers Section
- 6:00 PM - Not a Black Tie Affair
- 8:00 AM - One Shotgun Start - Access to Justice Golf Tournament
- 5:00 PM - Bench/Bar Social
- 7:00 PM - Night at the Levitt - Meet in the hotel Lobby for your ride to the Levitt - busses will return you to the hotel at 9 pm
- Levitt at the Falls brings 50 FREE outdoor concerts to the Sioux Falls community every summer - find out more
- 9:00 PM - Late Night Desserts provided by the South Dakota Bar Foundation, South Dakota Community Foundation & USD Foundation
Volunteer Opportunity!
Join Chris Madsen to serve breakfast at The Banquet the morning of the 21st! Register Here
90th Annual Business Meeting - Friday, June 23, 2023
*The Business Meeting on Friday will again be broadcast via Zoom for those that cannot make it to Sioux Falls. Online attendees may view and listen to the meeting via Zoom. In order to attend the meeting online, members must register by June 16th to receive the link. Register to attend the Business Meeting online - https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAqc--orj4uHdNF3iUjD7B0XG4qpBP1XQ40
Proposed Legislation - Download and review the full text of each proposal.

3200 W Maple St
Sioux Falls, SD 57107 United States
Continuing Legal Education Event
Board Meeting
Social Gathering