February Law for Lunch - Strategic and Practical Tips for Appearing Before Agencies and Elected Boards
Thursday, February 16, 2023 (12:30 PM - 1:30 PM) (CST)
A conversation about communicating with administrative boards and elected bodies and making strategic decisions to present the matter and persuade the decision-makers. We hope participants will: (1) gain practical ideas for preparing for, appearing before, and appealing the decisions of administrative agencies and elected boards, and (2) gain insight from the speakers’ experiences and observations in order to make the best strategic decisions and get the best result for your client.
Jason Sutton
Jason is a partner at Boyce Law Firm in Sioux Falls. He has a diverse civil litigation practice, which includes representation of clients in various administrative and regulatory matters including tax appeals, licensure proceedings, and utility and energy regulatory matters. He has both appeared before administrative hearing officers and various elected boards.
Jay Alderman
JD – 1992: Northwestern School of Law, Lewis and Clark College (Portland, Or);
1992-1995: Johnson-Huffman Law, Rapid City, SD;
1996 to present: Pennington County State’s Attorney’s Office (Chief Deputy - Civil Division, 2003 to present).