February Law for Lunch - Office Organization for Increased Productivity
Tuesday, February 20, 2024 (12:30 PM - 1:00 PM) (CST)
Join Mrg and gain skills to intentionally eliminate clutter and organize law offices for tidiness based on principles of mindfulness and best practices for record keeping.
Mrg Simon is a South Dakota attorney who’s practiced over 30 years and is also a certified organizing consultant experienced in helping the busy professional eliminate clutter and find order in their space. She helps clients identify their vision for the future of their practice implement it in a sustainable way. Mrg is an expert in the KonMari Method of organizing, design, and communications ... and has learned what doesn't work in the long run. She knows how to cut through the noise and clutter that add to your stress by creating an enjoyable and systematic experience focusing on your true intentions and values that create lasting change.
Mrg is also the author of "My Intentional Year: Organizing My Life for Joy and Meaning," a 2024 Daily Planner which showcases her unique insight into living more deliberately and getting more joy and satisfaction out of your life and work every day.
Carla Cushman
Law for Lunch