Judge Portra Vacancy
Judicial Qualifications Commission
State of South Dakota
500 East Capitol Avenue
Pierre, SD 57101
Telephone 605-773-2099
Fax 605-773-8437
Mark Haigh, Chair Lori Grode, Executive Assistant
Rebecca Porter, Vice Chair Email: Lori.Grode@ujs.state.sd.us
Hon. Robert Gusinsky, Secretary
Timothy Engel
Robert Morris
Rory King
Hon. Cheryle Gering
September 21, 2023
Notice of Judicial Vacancy
TO: All Active Members of the State Bar of South Dakota
FROM: Robert Gusinsky, Secretary, Judicial Qualifications Commission
The retirement of the Hon. Tony L. Portra will create a vacancy for a Circuit Court Judge position (Position B) in the Fifth Judicial Circuit. The duty station for this position shall be located in Aberdeen, SD. The Judicial Qualifications Commission is re-advertising for this position and taking applications for this position. As of July 1, 2023, the salary for a circuit judge position in South Dakota is $174,448.36. In addition, circuit court judges and their dependents are eligible to participate in the State of South Dakota’s health insurance plan; circuit judges participate in the State’s defined benefit retirement plan.
All lawyers and judges interested in applying should obtain the application form at http://ujs.sd.gov/, or contact Lori Grode at the State Court Administrator’s Office. The application must be returned to the Administrator’s Office and must be postmarked no later than 5:00 PM on October 2, 2023. Applicants should make sure the application submitted is the 2018 revision.
You may also obtain the application form by writing or telephoning:
Lori Grode
State Court Administrator’s Office
500 East Capitol Avenue
Pierre, SD 57501
Telephone: 605-773-2099
Email: lori.grode@ujs.state.sd.us
Or, visit http://ujs.sd.gov/ for current job openings.
The Fifth Circuit is comprised of the following counties: Brown, Campbell, Day, Edmunds, Faulk, Marshall, McPherson, Roberts, Spink, and Walworth.