Notice of Judicial Vacancy – Second Judicial Circuit, Position F
Judicial Qualifications Commission
State of South Dakota
500 East Capitol Avenue
Pierre, SD 57101
Telephone 605-773-2099
Fax 605-773-8437
Robert L. Morris, Chair Lori Grode, Executive Assistant
Rebecca A. Porter, Vice Chair Email: Lori.Grode@ujs.state.sd.us
Hon. Cheryle Gering, Secretary
Hon. Bobbi Rank
Timothy M. Engel
Rory King
Raleigh Hansman
May 22, 2024
Notice of Judicial Vacancy – Second Judicial Circuit, Position F
TO: All Active Members of the State Bar of South Dakota
FROM: Cheryle Gering, Secretary, Judicial Qualifications Commission
With the anticipated resignation of the Hon. Camela C. Theeler (Position F) in light of her appointment to the federal bench, the Judicial Qualifications Commission is now taking applications for this position in the Second Judicial Circuit. The duty station for this position may be either Lincoln or Minnehaha County as determined by the Presiding Judge. The current salary for a circuit court judge position in South Dakota is $174,448.36 annually and will be subject to the 4% increase approved by legislature effective July 1, 2024. In addition, circuit court judges and their dependents are eligible to participate in the State of South Dakota’s health insurance plan; circuit court judges participate in the State’s defined benefit retirement plan.
All lawyers and judges interested in applying should obtain the application form at http://ujs.sd.gov/, or contact Lori Grode at the State Court Administrator’s Office. The application must be returned to the Administrator’s Office and must be postmarked no later than 5:00 PM on June 21, 2024. Applicants should make sure the application submitted is the 2018 version.
If you applied for the Second Circuit Positions M and N in May, 2024, and you also wish to apply for Position F, you do not need to submit a new application. Instead, please simply send a letter to Lori Grode at the address below indicating your intention to also apply for Position F. You can include supplemental information with your letter, but you should not resubmit the materials previously provided with your earlier application.
The application form may be obtained by writing or telephoning:
Lori Grode
State Court Administrator’s Office
500 East Capitol Avenue
Pierre, SD 57501
Telephone: 605-773-2099
Email: lori.grode@ujs.state.sd.us
Or, visit http://ujs.sd.gov/ for current job openings.
The Second Circuit is comprised of the following counties: Lincoln and Minnehaha.