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SD Supreme Court Summaries

SD Supreme Court Summaries

The SD Supreme Court handed down one decision this morning, holding inter alia:


  1. Ingestion guilty plea not a basis for CGL disqualification.

STANLEY v. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, 2023 S.D. 13:  Defendant pled guilty to unauthorized ingestion of a controlled drug or substance.  Defendant’s arrest occurred while he was operating a motorcycle.  DPS notified Defendant that his CGL was disqualified for 1 year as a result of his guilty plea.  The ALJ agreed with DPS.  The Circuit Court reversed.  The SD Supreme Court upheld the Circuit Court, stating:


[¶15.] The felony ingestion statute in SDCL 22-42-5.1 prohibits a person from “knowingly ingest[ing] a controlled drug or substance or hav[ing] a controlled drug or substance in an altered state in the body . . . .” There is no evidence or showing that Stanley utilized the motorcycle to commit the crime of ingestion of a controlled substance. The offense as committed by Stanley in this case is therefore not subject to mandatory CDL disqualification within SDCL 32-12A-36(4).


This decision is unanimous (5-0), with opinion authored by Chief Justice Jensen. 



This decision may be accessed at .

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